Need help with existing loans and repayments? Add flexibility to your financial situation and take control of your funds by exploring your refinancing options with Beltro Group.


Unexpected events can disrupt your finances and derail your financial plans.

These events can be both positive and negative. Growing your family with new family members, career changes, moving away from home, and other unexpected events fall under these scenarios. Refinancing involves taking out a new mortgage to replace an existing loan. You may choose to get better interest rates, different bank or lender features, using equity to improve your home and lifestyle, or consolidate debts such as other loans for easier financial management. However, refinancing can be a complex process.

Refinancing with Beltro Group

Beltro Group can help you through the steps of refinancing and make it easier for you to access your finances.

You can breathe easy knowing that we can help you through the process of freeing up your finances.

With refinancing, you have the option of consolidating your loans, purchasing an investment, or taking up an owner-occupied loan. Owner-occupied loan involves residential needs such as purchasing an existing house, establishing a new home or undergoing a home renovation. Refinancing can be a way to fulfil the loan requirements for your other financial goals.

Refinancing provides financial support  so you can put your money where you want it.


Understanding and comparing different loan deals and offers can be overwhelming. You have to consider fees, including exist fees and application fees, as well as interest rates. Beltro Group can both expand your options and help you focus on what it is you want to get out of your refinanced loans. We specialise in all commercial, residential and personal loan needs, and can assist you in determining what suits you best.


Expand your financial possibilities with
ease of mind.

Get started on refinancing by contacting Beltro Group today.


Contact Us

Suite 118, 44 Lakeview Drive
03 8761 9019